About Us

at the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
Geriatric Psychiatry Research Program

Standing (L-R): Dr. Sarreal, Dr. Pomara, Vita Pomara, Dr. Hernando
Sitting (L-R): Anne Schatz, Katie Brundage, Dr. Reichert
The Geriatric Psychiatry Division consists of research scientists and clinicians who specialize in identifying biomarkers of normal and pathological cognitive aging; also, in the evaluation of novel approaches for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
Here at GERI, we offer a number of programs for elderly individuals in the community. These include:
Brief cognitive screening for individuals with concerns about their memory (Memory Day)
More extensive cognitive evaluations for those who are interested which includes a research component (MERI)
Clinical trials related to Alzheimer's Disease (Research)
Geriatric Psychiatry Division